Promoting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) During Brazilian Activities of Genomic and Epidemiological Surveillance of Arboviruses

Front. Public Health, 2021.

Authors: Giovanetti M, Alcantara LCJ, Dorea AS, Ferreira QR, Marques WA, Barros JJF, Adelino TER, Tosta S, Fritsch H, Iani FCM, Mares-Guia MA, Salgado A, Fonseca VXavier J, Lopes EN, Soares GC, Amarante MFC, Azevedo V, Kruger A, Matta GC, Paineiras-Domingos LL, Colonnello C, Filippis AMB, Montesano C, Colizzi V, Barreto FK.
Journal: Front. Public Health,v. 9, p. 1, 2021.: (2021)

Scientific advances have been accompanied by great achievements and also great societal expectations with respect to research and innovation. In fact, the scientific scenario is reconfiguring itself. If research was previously limited to academy, now it is present in companies and has a direct relationship with economics and politics, playing an important role on social issues such as gender, accessibility, and opportunities.

In this sense, some world movements are emerging, as the Open Science and the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). These movements are transforming scientific practice, integrating and aligning the interests between science and technology, society and environment. The main aim is to expand the number of agents that think and execute these ideas, in addition to promoting greater accessibility to the results of scientific research and, consequently, performing a more popular science.

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